Join us on September 28th at 9am PT | 12pm ET | 5pm UK time for a live overview of Profi’s biggest update of this year: Advanced Scheduling and Video Conferencing Features.
What to expect:
- 🕹️ In-depth walkthrough of our new scheduling and video conference capabilities, including calendar updates, new session restrictions, round-robin for Teams, recurring 1:1, package and program sessions, group sessions in programs, exciting new video conferencing features, and a lot more.
- 📦 Review of your primary use cases (submit them during the webinar)
- 🗣️ Q&A session for your questions (submit them during the webinar)
Even if you are unable to attend the live webinar, make sure to still register so that you can receive a recording of the event.
While you wait for the webinar, explore these related resources:
- Read an overview of the main updates on our blog.
- Dive into a full interactive demo of the new features below:
Dave Ibis: Oh yeah, keep the applause going. Keep it going. Yes. Feels so good. Wow, that was something. Thank you all for joining. Welcome to the jazzily named Profi Scheduling and Video Conference webinar. You might be thinking, am I even in the right spot? This sounds like more of a party. It is gonna be more of a party. I'm just not a webinar guy. So we're gonna call it a release party.
So welcome. We're so excited that you're here. We're going to take you through it. But of course, I can't do the party alone. So I'm Dave. And Dave likes to have friends at his parties. So I brought along my friend, Danil. He's our head of growth and marketing all the way from the Ukraine. He's going to be like my, I don't know if anyone's going to even catch this reference, but he's going to be like my Ed McMahon. So Danil, can you laugh at my bad jokes and say, you are correct, sir?
Daniil Kopilevych: Always, always sir.
Dave Ibis: Awesome. Awesome, welcome. Thanks so much for joining us. We're gonna get right into it. We don't have a lot of time and I wanna make sure that we get to everything. So let me share my screen. Let me make sure that we can all see what I'm trying to share here.
Dave Ibis: Always the most difficult part of a presentation. All right, everybody can see it? Cool, let's roll. So why am I in such a festive mood? Why is, you know, what is party-esque about Profi’s scheduling release? What is party-esque about scheduling at all? Well, I'd argue that there's potentially no more valuable resource in the world than time. I mean, it is absolutely the one thing that is finite for all of us, right?
We only get so much of it. And when it's gone, I mean, it's really gone. Like you're not getting back that time. So with this release, what we've really aimed to do is give you more control of your time. Make your time spent on those work tasks that much more efficient, get you through them quicker so that you can ultimately do things more efficiently and save some of this valuable resource and spend it instead of on menial tasks, spend that time growing your business, increasing your revenue.
And ultimately helping your amazing clients. So come on, if that's not worth a party, what is, right? So let's get into it. What did we release? And oh, and there's Daniil. And how will it help you? So if you're on this call, you likely know that what Profi is here to do is make your life easier, right? Our clients, we're trying to make your clients experience better. We're trying to help you grow your revenue and your practice thrive. And we do that.
really by those items on the right-hand side, providing that one stop shop. So we do everything here, right? We do the client notes, intake, feedback forms, in-app client messaging, full client management, building community, learning programs, and then of course, creating and scheduling your services. So with this release, we really decided to focus in on the scheduling piece of things. Now we ran some surveys, we talked to prospects, we talked to clients, we talked to friends that are coaches.
therapists, trainers, consultants, and this is really what we heard. We heard we need a better way to book recurring meetings, right? We're doing meetings that are not just one-off, but they're six sessions every week. We need a better way to do that. We need more flexibility in our group and individual sessions, meaning sometimes they're groups, sometimes they're individual, and we need more flexibility there to be able to create them and push those out where we need them. We need more control.
Dave Ibis: Over when and where and how many sessions are booked in the booking process. And ultimately, we just need more control over our calendar and we need more time. And I'm happy to announce that with this release, that's really what we focused on. That's really what we have delivered to the marketplace and to our Profi customers. So before we move on and before we actually get to all of those features, I thought it'd be fun to do a little numbers play here. So I don't know that anybody's gonna be able to guess what these numbers are, but these three numbers tell a story. They tell a story about this release and they tell a story about what Daniil and I are trying to do here today. Oh, I like that.
Wow, Danil's like not just Ed McMahon. He is like my producer here as well, so I love it. So 50, 95, and 45. So what do these represent? So 50 is 50 new features. So we typically do releases every two weeks. We took a little bit longer for this one. And the reason is because we really decided we were going to push out a mass amount of features all in one release. So this scheduling release is not just one thing here, one thing there. It is 50 new features that are across the entire platform. The 95 is a number I actually learned yesterday on our all hands meeting from our head of engineering. 95%. The scheduling in our platform touches 95% of our entire code base. Everything from messaging to notes to forms to of course bookings, right? It all scheduling touches all of that. So this was highly complex. There's a lot of moving pieces.
And that's why we took our time to kind of build it out. And the last number here is 45 minutes. No, it didn't take us 45 minutes to build all those 50 features and touch 95% of the code base, but we do have about 45 minutes to talk to you today about what those features are.
Dave Ibis: OK, so what are the actual features and what are the ones that are coming? We will absolutely be sending out, you've probably already seen, we have PDFs that are full of all the different 50 features that will walk you through them all. I've really tried to just bucket them as simply as possible into a few different buckets. So the first one is enhanced calendar and session level options. I'm going to walk you through those in our product tour. I'm going to show you some of the new restrictions.
Restrictions is not usually a good thing, but in this case it is. We're gonna show you the restrictions as well as the additional new options that we have available in the platform. There's also, as many of you, if you are Profi clients today, or if you're just prospects and have been looking at the website, you know that we have not just individual and group sessions, but we have programs and we have packages. Programs are content that can be varied from videos to PDFs to...
Canvas to actual sessions. So we've made some enhancements there, and I'll be certain to walk you through those as well. We've also made key enhancements in packages, which is one of our most commonly used features. So think of this as bundled services together. So we bundle those packages or those sessions, and those can be individual or group sessions in. And we allow you to sell them or offer them as one unique service item. And then the last bucket that I kind of put it into is just improved video conferencing. So we've always had video conferencing inside of Profi. We've had Zoom previously, and we still do. And we've also had our own proprietary video conferencing tool. We've just given that a facelift. We've updated that. You can see these, I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'm very sad. I look very sad in the top view of that, which is showing you the different settings of featured, and then I get very happy at the bottom. So it's almost like, I don't know, I got happy once. Maybe it's AI, maybe that's what it is, yeah. I think I got happy because I'm like, oh, I'm on the beach and in the water here. So, but anyways, so I'll walk you through the different video conferencing features there and I'll show you some of those items as well. And then the last thing I just kind of bucketed it into is just this improved experience overall. And really what this relates to is a little bit more of just.
Dave Ibis: Throughout the entire platform. What we've really tried to focus on is your experience as a practitioner, as well as that client experience. So I'm going to pause there for a minute. A couple of housekeeping items before I get into the product tour. We mentioned previously that if there's workflows or things that you want, questions that you have, you can absolutely put them in chat. Danil is going to be managing that chat for me as we go through here. And don't worry, I'm going to give Danil a chance to present as well so you don't just have to listen to my voice the entire time. We'll flip it over to him at one point. Anything I missed, Danil?
Daniil Kopilevych: No, let's get into it.
Dave Ibis: Okay, all right, good deal. So let me once again find my guy here and we'll bring him over.
So that everybody can see. Good. All right, so I am logged in to the live instance of Profi. I'm in Baseline Coaching, which is my own demo portal that we use for demos to prospects, as well as just showing things to clients. I am logged in as a team admin. So some of you that utilize this and use it in Workspaces know what that is. For those that don't, a team admin is really somebody that has a team of people.
Like in Alan's case here, he's got Anne, and he has Barney that he's providing services with. This could be decentralized, or this could be a centralized model. What's great about this view here on the calendar, and some of this has already existed, is that, of course, I can filter down by just Anne or just Barney if I'm looking to manage what they're doing on a day-to-day basis. So what's new here? What's new in the calendar? There's several things right off the bat. So one of them is we have a new session card.
So we've always been able to kind of click in. It would be a pop-up. You'd have a couple of options. We just added some options here. So I can click into this one. I can see that Alan has a meeting coming up with Daniil. I can send a message to Daniil if I need to. I can also join the session directly from here. So some of you that have used Profi video conferencing in the past know the system would just sort of call you and it would call you when the session was available. What we heard and a lot of the feedback we heard was we really need that to be more flexible.
I want to join 10, 15 minutes early. I want my clients sometimes to be able to join 10, 15 minutes early. This really operates now more like a, a zoom meeting, if you will, so that you have a link, the link is here. You click that button to join session and I can do that directly and immediately from here. I can still of course, reschedule and cancel. So again, when we talk about efficiency, what we're really attempting to do here is from this one view, I don't have to go and find the client.
Dave Ibis: Find the host and everything else, I can see all of the events. And if I know there's something that needs to be scheduled or moved or rescheduled, I can do that directly from here.
Another thing that we decided to do in here was, again, increase that efficiency for you. So you're not having to go five different places to do something. So not only could I schedule or, I'm sorry, reschedule or cancel, but I can also schedule an event directly from here and not just an individual or group session, which is what we had done in the past. Now also programs and packages, you can enroll and you can actually schedule them into those sessions inside of those programs and packages.
So you can see I have the aptly named Zen in the art of mental maintenance. Some people might know the reference there, some might not. I might be really dating myself in this entire presentation between the Johnny Carson and Zen in the art of motorcycle maintenance. But you can see the different sessions that we have here and I can easily just come in and go, oh yeah, let me book this recurring session, which we're gonna talk about in a minute, orjust an individual session. And if I want to do that, I can choose any of those coaches that are associated here. And I can go ahead and choose the client. So, Danil, I'm just picking on you today. And we're going to go ahead and send that invite. And I can just easily push out any of those different sessions that I need to within the platform. OK, so what have we done? We've looked at the calendar so far, talked a little bit about those sessions.
Let's go into some of the other new things that you can do on the calendar that are really going to make a difference and make it that much more efficient for you moving forward. So the first thing I want to talk about here is what we've had for a while. We've had the calendar sync. Of course, that still exists. You can sync multiple calendars, whether that be Google or Outlook, directly from here. You can actually see mine is synced right here. So I've got some volunteer thing I'm doing later on today. And then I have to pick up my son tomorrow.
Dave Ibis: So you can see those different items there and they're kind of grayed out if they're coming in. What that means is that those are gonna be times that are blocked. Now, I also have the ability here to set a couple of global restrictions. These are new and I'm gonna go more into detail with these on the session level, but I can also set them globally. So if I want to say, I always want a one day notice for any time, I need time to prepare for these sessions, I can put that here.
I can also always put that buffer time, and it's just going to automatically apply, let's say 15 minutes of buffer time before or after, because we don't like going back to back to back on calls.
The real change that we made here, though, is in availability. And I think what's really neat about this is, so in the past, we had working hours, essentially, that you could set up. And so that still exists, certainly. And that's really what I would refer to as your default schedule. So on a typical week, I'm like Dolly Parton. I'm working 9 to 5 every day. I think it was Dolly Parton that sung that. And that's my schedule. And actually, if you look at my team's schedule,
I can see that as well. I can see Barney's and I can see Anne's. But here's the beauty of what we just released with availability. I can have multiple availabilities. And really what that comes down to is think of them as availability templates. So while I have my default, and that's really what the calendar is typically going to look like, let's say that we're working with Google. Google doesn't work 9 to 5. Google, we're only booking, and we've only contracted with them from this 12 to 5 slot on Mondays and Fridays. I can go in and I can create that separate availability. And what I'll show you after this is now I can tie it to different services. And I can tie it to services not just that I'm offering, but that my team is offering as well. So again, when I think about efficiency and saving you time and saving your coaches time, they don't have to go in and make this availability. They don't have to go in and change it for themselves. You can create that here, and you can apply it across the board to the different services.
Dave Ibis: One thing I'll notate here as well is that if there's specific dates, even though typically I'm only doing Monday and Friday, but we know that this upcoming Wednesday is actually all Google Day that we're going to be working with Google, we could go ahead and we could put that override in there. We could save that and we'd be ready to roll.
Okay, availability. I would say any questions, but if there are questions, you can put them in chat. Any questions, comments, we'll move on.
Daniil Kopilevych: So there are two different levels of restrictions where we can set them, not only on the calendar level.
Dave Ibis: Correct. And I'll be going into that here next when we get to the service side. So what I've done so far on my calendar is I've set up these different availabilities. I have my default as well as my Google engagement. So let's talk about how we can apply those. This is really going to be the meat and potatoes of a lot of the features that we came out with in this release. So if I come into my services item.
The first thing I want to point out for those that are current Profi clients that know this is we've really slimmed down the amount of services here. So we just combined group and individual sessions into one type of session. We had heard a lot of feedback around that, and it just made a lot of sense. So I'll show you how you can do both an individual and group session within that type of service. Packages and programs have always existed. So.
Let's go into this Google session that I created. I just created it in advance, so I don't have to type and talk, because I'm terrible at it. And we can see here we have our Google session. Of course, we can do all the things that we always were able to do. We can put a description into here. We can upload that cover image. It's going to give you this really nice landing page, build it out, configure it, brand it however you see fit. In this case, we're going to call it a 60-minute session. And you're going to auto, you're going to.
Immediately see, of course, there's a different UI in the past, but also we now have the ability to create this as a recurring session. So if this is that weekly check-in, or it's a bi-weekly check-in, or whatever the case may be, we're going to say that here. We're going to say, how many sessions are we recurring for? So in this case, maybe we would do six, or we would do five, or something. You can create that however you want. It just has to be more than one. We've also kind of added some options and availabilities here for showing it on the booking page. So we always had the concept of public or private. It never, we got some feedback on that as well. So we really just sort of changed it to saying, hey, do you want to show this on the session booking page or not? So if you don't show it on the booking page, of course people, your clients won't see it. But of course you'd still have the landing page and you'd be able to share it out with them individually. The new feature here is restricting clients altogether from booking. So we heard this feedback from several clients as well when we did the...
Dave Ibis: The surveys, which is that some services, I never want somebody to book themselves. I will always do the scheduling myself and I don't want them to come in and find their own time. In that case, you can just restrict them from that and only myself in this case as a team admin or potentially, you know, Daniil as the other coach could actually book those for them.
We still have all of the same pricing features that we've looked at before. We still have all the different locations, meaning of course we can do them over video conferencing. That's typically what people do. But we do have some people probably that understood my references to Johnny Carson and Dolly Parton that would do them as phone calls. We don't have facts. And then we do still have some coaches that are doing things in person as well. So we still certainly have those location options.
Couple of other new things here that you're gonna see. And again, this is where we're getting into all of the different features. You do have that session type. So personal was really, hey, you're gonna choose one coach and go through it. Round Robin is more of like a first available. And it's a way to sort of help you load balance a little bit. So if I go in and I'm looking at your services and Danil will show this later, and I don't, it doesn't matter if I book it with Dave Ibis or Bill or Jill, I just want the first available. It's gonna provide that option. And that's something that, again, we got a lot of feedback around.
I can assign my different hosts, of course. And then here's that session availability. So you remember we created that Google engagement availability. If I just have that turned off, that's just going to use my default availability. Whatever my default availability and my team's default availability is will be applied to this type of service. However, if I say, well, no, this is for Google. And so I'm going to use that Google engagement on all I have to do.
Is do that once right there. And that's going to apply it to all of the coaches. So again, they don't have to do anything themselves. There's also the use case here where you say, well, maybe I haven't created it. I'm never going to use it again. But for this specific one, I want something custom. That's totally fine. You can create that custom. It's not going to save it as a template. You don't need it to save it as a template. It's just for this specific session. And I can come in and I can make my changes here. So let's put that back to our Google engagement.
Dave Ibis: Okay, we have this new area here we call participants and guests. A couple of different features that I'll just turn on here so that you can see them. Number one is enable guests. So what does that mean? That's a session, it's going to have a guest. Sure. But what this enables you to do is if I'm booking this with Daniil and Daniil wants to bring along Puska, his dog, or somebody that actually would probably have an email address, he can add that individual in.
So we see this a lot, we've heard this a lot for group coaching or for therapy where, hey, I'm going to book it, but I'm going to bring my wife along, or I'm going to bring my partner along, or I'm going to bring my coworker along. They don't need to log into the system. They don't have to have an account. They don't even have to sign in or register. We send them, they can easily add their email address in there and just add them as a guest. So that's a huge new feature that we had heard a ton of feedback around. I'm just super excited that we have it. We can also turn this into a group session. So what that means is that we're offering seats. This is not just a one-on-one session, but multiple people can register for it. So if I'm available and it's an open office hours or it's a cohort kind of meeting, we can do that and set that up so that it becomes a group session.
That's how easy it is to now change it between an individual and group session. It's not a whole different thing. It's flipping a switch and saying how many seats you need there.
And then we get down to the restrictions. So I think the question, Daniil, that you had posed from the group was, is it only on the calendar that I have those restrictions or can I do them in the service? No, you can absolutely do them in the service as well. So in this specific service that I've created here, I can say, I can set that buffer time I talked about, I can set that minimum notice, and there's a couple of other features specific to the service here that are just very important to point out. One is that limit booking frequency.
Dave Ibis: So how often are we doing this? This is so key in a Google engagement like this. Sure, I'm available from 12 to 5. We're going to do three of these a day, let's say. So the most that can be booked are three a day. And I can add additional limits here as well. The next thing would be limit future booking. So how far into the future are we allowing them to book? Or within a specific date range?
So this kind of caps that engagement, if you will. So we're going to say, hey, we're starting it today, but it's got to be, you can only book it out to the 31st because that's all we're contracted for. So all of these features that I've walked through on the service side of things are really designed, again, to give you a lot more control over your calendar, provide you with a lot more efficiency because you're just setting these up one time across the board for your team.
And really just trying to give you some of that time back so that you can do less menial tasks and work with your clients and help them out in a more meaningful way. Okay, where did I miss?
Daniil Kopilevych: Awesome. There was just a quick question and I think you've covered it all. The important thing is that we've released all this new amazing session level, calendar level features and restrictions and more will be coming every like two or three weeks. So more scheduling features are coming and so for example, Alison had a question in the chat. If there are any plans to integrate with other video services such as Google Meet.
So we've entered, yes, Google Meet is coming, other services is coming. I think we also plan to allow you to add custom video links or any other links where you wanna meet with clients for your meetings.
Dave Ibis: Yeah, absolutely. And a big part of this release was really kind of setting a foundation, if you will, for scheduling. And there are certainly, again, we pushed out so much new functionality. And there's things that just didn't make it into the first version. That's absolutely one of them. I've talked to prospects about that as well. We've heard Google Meets. We've heard Microsoft Teams. So those are all on the roadmap, and we should be expecting those rather shortly.
Daniil Kopilevych: The good thing is that we've heard from customers that have already started using all those features in advanced ways is that they're now able to finally switch from other scheduling tools that they were using alongside Profi sometimes. Some of those advanced features were not in Profi, so now they can. They have access to all of those and in one place.
Dave Ibis: Yeah, awesome. See, look at it. That's why we bring you along. All right. Thank you.
Daniil Kopilevych: And there is so.
Daniil Kopilevych : I'm here to read more questions. We have a question from Michael really quickly. Can I book one-off single group session for a specific date and time? For example, a group session on the 31st of October at 3.30 PM.
Dave Ibis: Sure, yeah, so I can, let me do that real quick. So you can do that. And if I do a, let's call it my Zen group sesh, and I won't go through all the rest of this, you guys have already all seen it all, but I can offer those seats, let's say I'm going to do 10 of them. And what I'm going to do for this availability, essentially, is I'm gonna create a custom one. Now I could do this other ways as well.
But this has just sort of been the easy one for me. And it's not that I'm basically saying this availability as none, right? What I'm going to do is I'm going to use that date override to say, and I don't remember now the date and time, but let's say it was October 2nd. And it's at, you said, 3.30 or something. Let's do it between 3 and 4. And I save that override. And basically, what I've done now is I've created that event. It is set up as 3 o'clock on October 2nd. And that will be the only option that people have to book that. Now you might have another one in another date, and that's a great use case for the date override, is to use that date override to basically schedule out those different events.
Daniil Kopilevych: Perfect. So you just basically create that group session under your services, add that data override, and then you can simply send that link to that group session to your clients and they can, that's going to be the only option they can book.
Dave Ibis: Yep. You got it.
And of course I have to put a host in here. I'll finish this up. Okay.
I have a couple of more things I have to get to before I pass it over to Danil. Uh, and we're already, we are that's right. Oh, is that our transition? That's I like that. Okay, cool. Um, okay. So a couple of other really quick things to, to talk about, because again, I bucketed these into kind of packages and programs as well as my next one. So there's just a couple of changes there that I want to make sure that I talk about. We talked about recurring sessions.
Daniil Kopilevych: Please.
Dave Ibis: I think a really common use case for this is inside of a package. So you might sell a package, and it's going to be, in this case, we're calling it a biweekly check-in. So when I create the package, this UI looks pretty similar to what you've seen in the past. You can see we've added some things like show package on booking page. Here's where we're including the different services. And in this case, if I was going to add a different type of service to the package, one thing you'll see differently is, of course, the slide out. So it's a very different UI.
but also that I can use a template. So what that means is I can use any session that I have already created on the service landing page. Now I don't have to, I can just create it from scratch, right? If I don't need it on the service landing page, I'm only ever gonna use it here and I just don't intend to use it again, I don't have to always create one there. So that's a big time saver as well. If I'm going through though and I wanna choose that recurring session, what's going to happen is it's just gonna bring in all of the data from that, the hosts, whether it's personal around Robin, the availability, all of that in that same vein of what I just showed in the session. So I won't go through all of that again because it's the same thing. But just know that you can do that. The other nice thing is, let's say I just have a session template out there that's generic, but I want it to be a different title or I wanna make some different changes. Again, think efficiency. So I bring that in, I know 90% of it is the same, but I just need to change 10%.
I can do that right here and it's not going to mess with that template. So when I bring the template in, I still have the ability to configure it and customize it for this specific package that I'm creating. The other thing that's important to note here that we really changed is on the client side, of course, we can show this from another area, but I'll see if I have one here. No. So from the client side, of course, I can schedule the session with Daniil if I need to. And what I can do here is say, okay, great, we're gonna do this with Alan, and we're going to start on, let's just push this way in the future, on the 9th at 11 a.m., that sounds good. And we're gonna repeat this. We're gonna do those six out of six for every other week. So what I've done now in a couple of keystrokes there is gone ahead and invited him to that entire recurrent package.
Dave Ibis: So you can see here, here we are, we've got all six of them. And this will lead in nicely when Daniil is showing the client side, he'll be able to show how he can just confirm it with one click. Same thing goes the other side. If he's the one that schedules those six and it comes to me, I don't have to confirm it six different times. It's one click, I can confirm all six of them and go, yep, looks good. The system also takes into account your calendar. If I wasn't available on those dates and I tried to book them, it's going to let me know, hey, one of these recurrent sessions, you have something, you have a conflict. So it kind of gives you the chance to go back, change your conflicts or change the timing if you will.
Okay, that was packages. The last thing before I let Daniil talk is programs. There's a couple of just sort of small things here that I want to point out, but they're small things that people have been wanting for quite some time. So in the past, if I had a session in a program, the client only was the only one that could book it. I couldn't actually book it from here.
So now we do have the availability here for an individual or a group session, and that's the other enhancement. I have the ability here to just go ahead and schedule that, schedule it with any available host, and push it out to the client. And again, the other, for those of you that don't, that are maybe on the call and don't even know what's Dave Ibis talking about with the program, a program is that varied content where I can have videos or documents or whatnot in here and walk them through a workflow. So we see this a lot for cohorts, we see it a lot.
And just different kind of workflows that you want to push out for your clients. But we, for a long time, had a thing there that said group sessions coming soon, they are here. So I can now put that group session directly in here. And again, I can schedule it and invite people to it, or they can find that date and time that works best for them.
Daniil Kopilevych: Long awaited.
Dave Ibis: Okay. Long awaited. That's right. I'm going to pause. Did I cover the notes in the first series? Oh, you have a question? Okay. So, I'm going to pause.
Daniil Kopilevych: We actually had to, yeah, I think you covered it all from the host side. Michael actually had a quick follow up question and then we have one more question. Michael is asking on the half hour, so would it be possible to schedule a group session on the half hour? Do you know? Because that's a great use case.
Dave Ibis: That's.
Daniil Kopilevych: And we have added intervals and you could accomplish it probably with that, but I'll let you go to that.
Dave Ibis: Yeah, yep, yep. So the reason you probably didn't see it, and that's why you're bringing that up, is that I didn't put it in there. I think my other one has 60 minute time slide intervals. So I can actually set my time slide intervals now. I breezed right past that previously. But yes, you can set your time slide intervals. You could do it at the 15. You could do it at 30 minutes. You can do it. It's really, it's like if I delete this, it's anywhere between 15 and 120. So.
Yes, is the answer.
Daniil Kopilevych: Awesome. Thank you, Michael. Hopefully that answers your question. Another one from Marilyn. Great question. I'm interested that we're doing a Profi call in Riverside. Is that because Profi call has a group limit? Actually, no. We've upgraded our video conferencing so there is no more limits on the amount of participants. The only reason we've chosen Riverside because it's a professional platform for just podcasts and webinars so it just has a much better has a better quality than your zoom or um Profi video calls because they're designed for video conferencing and riverside is like for um for professional recordings that's probably the only reason i think uh also we have the
Dave Ibis: Well, I also wanted the applause feature and the transition features. I mean, I think that, listen, we aren't really in, you can do a webinar with Profi, but it's going to be a little bit more of a, like you could use Zoom and they would have additional features there. If we use our own video conferencing, one feature that is not there yet, and we plan on getting there to do webinars, is having a webinar like this where Daniil and I are the hosts.
And we have our participants sort of in the background, right? You're asking questions that way, but we don't have 50 participants all on the screen together that are sharing and having to mute their things. And so it's just not set up for that today. So that's mostly, I think, why we chose Riverside.
Daniil Kopilevych: Yeah, exactly. But in...
Dave Ibis: Danil's also like a cutting-edge guy.
Daniil Kopilevych: Yeah, we're trying to use the best tech possible. Hopefully, we'll get some more, you know, even better features to add to our video conferencing, which we're working on. Also, you'll see that there are more controls in the participant controls in the pro video conferencing, but we'll get to it in a second.
Dave Ibis: He likes the new functionality, yeah.
Dave Ibis: Yes. So I'm going to stop sharing. I'm going to let Danil show the client side of things, and I'll walk you through just a couple of different features that are available now there. And then we'll quickly, again, I said we had 45 minutes. I talk ad nauseam all the time, so that's only leaving us like five. We want more questions or more time at the end for questions. But go ahead, take it away, Danil.
Daniil Kopilevych: Perfect. So we've also introduced some more enhancements to the client experience with the scheduling release. So first of all, what you're going to see on the session screen for clients is that they can, you know, as always, they can see all of the session invites from you. And what's changing with this recurring session, for example, within the package, I can see all of the scheduled dates.
all the invites and I can just accept them all in one click. Also, as before, you can accept and or schedule new programmed sessions right from your calendar. That's no big changes here. And we also wanted to show you that you can now book with if you're a team, if you're providing a
If you have that round-robin scheduling option enabled, you will now, first of all, you get redesigned landing pages for each of your services that you create. You get an automatically generated landing page. It pretty much stays the same, but what's changing is more, is a better view of the host. You can see where, what kind of service they're providing, what their specialization is.
And you can just simply book with any of them if you select them here. But also if you want to, if you don't know who you want to work with, you can just click on book a session as a client, and then you're going to see that first available option. So that simplifies the clients, especially for prospects that could be great because they might not know your team just yet. So they might not know who they want to work with, but they want to book with someone as soon as possible. So that's what your business might want to offer. And you can just easily schedule with anyone and confirm. So that was changing. Also, a client can now schedule if a client gets a booking linked with all of your services in one place. So they as well as packaged and programmed sessions right from your booking page.
Daniil Kopilevych: Did I cover it? Anything else that I'm missing?
Dave Ibis: I think you did it, man. I think you got it.
Daniil Kopilevych: Awesome. Let's now go through the new video conference experience.
Dave Ibis: Yeah, I can do it from my side. So I'll do that real quick and try to get through as quick as possible here. Let me share my screen. Cool. You can see it. So I think the easiest way for me to show this here is, again, from our new client card. I've got an upcoming session here with Daniil. I can go ahead and join that session. This might get a little funky because we're doing a video inside of a video, but we'll see. So I'm going to go ahead and join that session.
The first thing you're going to see, which is, again, different. Oh, I have my background still from last night. Is, yeah, the background. So you can do a specific background now. But there's just a lot more features and options right when you launch the video conference. So I can have different effects here, which I'm looking at right now. I can have a noise reduction, choose my different cameras, my speakers.
It's just a much cleaner interface than what we had before, where there'd be like one pop-up at the beginning, and that was it. So these are really most of the new features that we have there. Once I join here, you'll see some features that you probably remember or recognize, and others potentially that you don't. So we always had, oh, look at that. We always had a.
The ability to see notes. I did this last night. I forgot that this was actually gonna come up. But I always Photoshopped Daniil into things. So this is him. He knows Share. But we can have those different notes there. So why are these important? Well, they're important because if you're talking to a client, you're in the session. You probably don't care that he knows Share, but you might care about the to-dos that you've created for him. And you don't have to go back and try to find those. You're in the session. It's all in line with you.
Also, if you're writing any notes here, those go back into the platform. So that existed previously. We brought that over as a feature that still exists. There is a chat feature here as well. So of course you can always chat in the system. There's a record button, which we had private previously before. That record will record and put you back, put the recording back on that new session card that I just launched this from. And I can also do things like mute and remove.
Dave Ibis: Users as the host of this platform. So is it groundbreaking stuff that no other video conferencing tool does? No. But it's a lot more features that I think clients have been asking about and clamoring for with the built-in Profi video conferencing tool. And what we really, with this as well as with the calendar release, and Daniil mentioned this, we're really trying to make it easier for you to drop those other tools, whether it be Zoom or a scheduling tool.
or a notes tool or a forms tool, that's really what Profi is here to do, is combine them all into one thing and give you the options so that you can say, hey, this is just as good, the quality is going to be just as good and now I have some of those features that I need, let's try using this instead of Zoom.
Dave Ibis: That's right. OK, awesome. I love getting applause. It's so validating. Let me leave here, and let me go back to the slides. So just to recap, and we talked through all the different features, but I think it's mostly important just to recap value. And so what we've really tried to do with this release is save you some time, give you more control over your time.
Dave Ibis: And build more efficiencies into the platform to allow you to grow and spend more time with your clients and make them happier. Yes, were there a lot of features in there? Absolutely. And I think I probably covered 40 of them. Maybe I covered all 50. I don't know. But we can absolutely send, and we will after this, some more collateral that will kind of walk you through all of the different features. We're always available for more meetings, demos, whatever it is you need to help you get comfortable with it. I always like to talk about what's next. This is just a screenshot of sort of a product board that we have. But certainly, there are, like we, Danil had mentioned earlier, there's additional versions of this release that will be coming in the next few weeks. So there's different things that we want to clean up. Yes, there's a few bugs out there, too, that we're squashing. We're working around the clock to do that. And hopefully, if you're a client, you've seen that.
We're very responsive to what's happening there, making sure that this is a very stable release. But we're also going to be pushing out code for those new features. So whether it be integrating with other video conference tools or bringing in different calendars or just bringing in more and more of those different options on the scheduling side of things, you can expect to see that very soon. The other, I'll just tease this real quick. I don't have a screenshot of it, although we do have some, but I'll just tease it for people, which is the next really...
edict for us is to go even further into the efficiency game and really make the service delivery options in Profi that much more powerful. So we're going to call it Service Builder and there'll be a lot more to come on this, but it's really going to open you up with a lot more options. Same way the scheduling is, a lot more options in just how you deliver services, not just where but how you deliver them, how you deliver them to groups and how you can individualize those engagements per coachee.
If you will, or per client. So that's really all I had for today. I know we're up at, I don't know, what time exactly? What time we got? 10:48? Oh, we're not, I didn't do too bad. Three minutes past. Any other questions that are hanging in out there, Daniil, before I wrap it up?
Daniil Kopilevych: Doesn't look like it.
Dave Ibis: No? Okay. So last thing I just want to say, thank you to everybody on here. You know, what we do here at Profi is we really try to help the helpers. So you all that are helping other individuals. And I think what's really key to us is giving back. And so that's part of our business model, of course, but we also give back and we're big in volunteering and big in charitable organizations. So I just thought, since we got a lot of people on the call, I could just point out a couple of different ones. So...
GiveWell is one that I utilize if you've never heard of it, They do a great job of like compiling all these different upstanding charitable organizations. Sometimes one of the hard things to do is figure out who to give to and is your money going to the right place. GiveWell does a great job of kind of helping you sort through that. I'll have Danil send the link to this other one, Stand with Ukraine, but actually they kind of, it's a, let me see if I can bring it up. It's a smaller site.
That gives you a little bit more of, I think I had it somewhere, Daniil. Oh, you might just have to show it later. Oh, here, I know how to do it. Yeah, so it's a site that basically links together some of the more reputable charitable organizations. I mentioned earlier, Daniil is in Ukraine right now. He's coming to us live from Ukraine. And so this is something that, of course, we stand with Ukraine, and there's a lot of different ways to help there. And then the final one that I had on there, was Movember and you saw Daniil with Cher earlier and I've been trying to get him to grow a mustache since I got here, but Movember is basically, it's for men's health. So it's for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, it's raising money and awareness for that. And essentially what I do is I grow a giant mustache throughout the month and then people can donate to that and I'll give them updates. And I love showing this because I used Profi, I used our own program tool as the way to.
Um, to advertise this out to my friends and family and coworkers. So I had a bunch of people as clients on here and they could view my message, what it's all about, how they can support it and all of the different things. And then I even went as far as to say, who has a better mustache, Magnum PI or Higgins and, and there's me and there's Daniil looking very weird as Higgins with a mustache. But, uh, anyway, so, so.
Daniil Kopilevych: Well, hopefully in November we can do another joint session webinar like this one and it will be a proper one.
Dave Ibis: That's right.
That's right. So you'll be getting more information on that. We'll post them in the chat, or we'll post the links to there afterwards. But I just felt like I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that at the end. So thank you all for your time. I really appreciate you. I hope you hung in there with me and didn't roll your eyes at too many of my bad jokes. If you need anything, we're always here to help. We're happy to jump on a demo or training session or whatnot and help you out however we can.
Daniil Kopilevych: Thank you all so much for coming. I hope you enjoy using all the new features and your clients get a much better experience. And we hope to see you all inside Profi video conferencing next time.
Dave Ibis: Sounds great. Thanks, everybody.
Daniil Kopilevych: Thank you, bye bye.
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