Jamie White (0:19) He's whispering telling me he's not going to be quiet, so…
Dave Ibis (0:25) Oh, that he's not going to be quiet? That's beautiful. I think that's worth the risk, honestly, just to see. Like, is he telling the truth that he's not going to be quiet? I feel like my son usually always does the opposite of what he says he's going to do. You probably have a pretty good chance.
Jamie White (0:42) I will say that reverse parenting has been working. The more unorganized we are, the more organized our kids are. So, you know, there's a thing.
Dave Ibis (0:48) There you go. I read a book once that said, “You have to do reverse psychology from ages two to six.” And it never worked on my son. He would just take it. If I was like, “Fine, yeah. Don't do that. I don’t even really want you to do that,” he’d be like, “Cool. Perfect.”
Dave Ibis (1:16) Okay, so I'll kick it off. We'll give a quick intro and then we'll just get into whatever we get into.
Jamie White (1:22) Alright, sounds good.
Dave Ibis (1:24) Okay. Welcome to the Profi Customer Spotlight. I'm Dave Ibis. I'm joined today by Jamie White, who I'm thrilled to have on here for several reasons. We've talked, we’re both Midwest people, which I love. But I've also been able to go out to your website, read some of your blogs, listen to some of your podcasts even, and I'm just excited to have an engaging conversation with you.
So, I know you gave me your title, which is Chief Belief Officer. But do you have your own title that you want to share?
Jamie White (2:00) Well, Chief Belief Officer is really because Belief Crew is dealing with limiting beliefs on a regular basis, and I believe in people at a very high level.
Dave Ibis (2:14) Do you want to pause? (Laughs) I think we should keep it all in.
Jamie White (2:27) Thank you. So, as Chief Belief Officer, I believe in people- I can't. Just a second. Having a three year old is tough.
Dave Ibis (2:50) It’s hard to be three. It is really hard. It's like the cutest age and also one of the hardest ages.
Jamie White (2:54) Right? Totally.
Dave Ibis (2:56) I only have one. I read and listened to your blog. I know how many kids you have.
Jamie White (3:01) Six boys, yeah.
Dave Ibis (3:04) That is amazing. So, as the Chief Belief Officer, you believe…
Jamie White (3:11) As Chief Belief Officer, I have a deep belief in others, and we're also dealing with a lot of limiting beliefs. So, a lot of our coaches and healers are dealing with limiting beliefs all the time.
Dave Ibis (3:21) Yeah. How do you describe what Belief Crew is up to in the world? Who are you trying to service, or help? And how do you do it?
Jamie White (3:32) Yeah, so about a year or so ago, it just became clear that I wanted to see this vision of healthy leadership and companies, and how can we create healthy leadership?
Really, I believe in the power of one-on-one coaching, and yet, when I was starting to say, okay, I see this problem that needs to be solved in the world, and I know that I'm called to be part of the solution, but what part? I was like, “Hey, I think I need software. I like to do business starting with software. So, where's the software?” (Children voices in background)
Dave Ibis (4:09) You can actually barely hear it.
Jamie White (4:13) Okay.
Dave Ibis (4:14) Zoom does a great job of filtering out background noise.
Jamie White (4:37) He’s taking off his shoes and talking the whole time.
Jamie White (4:38) Dave, I apologize. He's doing this perfect mix of “I'm just going to test you” and then when I go towards him, he's like, “No, no, I'm gonna be good.”
Dave Ibis (4:46) Yeah, yeah.
Jamie White (4:38) And as a mom, I'm watching that being like (Frustrated expression).
Dave Ibis (4:53) Yeah. Don’t worry about it. It’s all good.
Jamie White (4:56) Okay. Because I will take them out if I need to. If you can hear him and if it's a problem. Well, it has been a problem, what am I thinking? (Laughs)
Dave Ibis (5:07) It’s totally fine.
Jamie White (5:08) Thank you.
So, I felt called to solve this problem in the world, but I’m not sure how to solve it, right? And bringing coaches together to help provide that space for people to have that one-on-one coaching, and really wanting to see coaches be able to make money in the coaching business.
So, our vision is 100 coaches making six figures or more. Obviously, we're in the baby phase.
Dave Ibis (5:39) Yeah.
Jamie White (5:40) Then, to see healthy leadership, right? So, our mission in Belief Crew is to provide space for faith-based healers and experience-based coaches, that space that they need to- (Dog bark)
Dave Ibis (5:56) I’ve got a dog too.
Jamie White (5:58) (Laughs) -space that they need to not have to do the whole business thing by themselves. So, I just really felt called to all of that. I don't know if that's clear for anyone else, but it's what we're working on every day.
Dave Ibis (6:14) So, do you focus primarily on coaching leaders in organizations? Or does it run the gamut? Is it all types of people?
Jamie White (6:23) To us, a leader is someone that's ready to lead themselves, and maybe they're eventually leading in organizations, but not necessarily, right? Healthy leaders.
Dave Ibis (6:36) Gotcha. Yeah.
So, when you talk about self-limiting beliefs, which I find really interesting, because it's something I've certainly come across, people in my family have as well, and it's actually come up in therapy, more often than coaching, at least in my experience, is that idea of limiting yourself with these beliefs that just come from your parents, or upbringing, or whatnot.
How do you coach around that? I’m just interested because I'm a curious person. What are the ways that you coach people out of that, or get them to see these self-limiting beliefs?
Jamie White (7:18) So, really, I think we're kind of trying to solve multiple problems at the same time. What I see is coaches, and therapists working well together.
So, what we've done is merged that concept with coaches and healers. So, using more of that faith-based healing perspective, and a lot of energy work, because when I started to find out about limiting beliefs, I knew it was a problem, but I didn't know how to change them. So, when we started bringing in more of this healing concept, then it actually just literally shifts. It's forgiveness, it's prayers, I do a lot of “thank you in advance for helping with this,” but, you know, forgiving others and forgiving myself, and oftentimes forgiving myself for not forgiving others, right?
So, when we're coaching someone, just really being intuitive about the process and doing the work ourselves, we see it come up in others, we kind of recognize it as, “Oh, we've been there. How do we get through this?” So, I don't know if that helps, but that's what’s coming to mind.
Dave Ibis (8:27) How did you get into coaching? Were you doing coaching before starting your own business? I would have imagined you were. a little bit.
Jamie White (8:36) A little bit, but really, it was this calling that I didn't totally understand. I read a book by Patrick Lencioni and actually listened to it as an Audible, and I was like, “whatever he's doing, that's what I want to do.” Then I met a coach, hired a coach, and started coach training, and I was implementing it in the businesses that I was involved in, and my employees were letting me coach them.
So then, really as I started this journey, it was kind of at the same point that I realized I was in a cycle in my life that I didn't want to be in. So, my sister in law was studying healing, and I was setting up coaching. So, we merged the two together. And then my husband started doing the work with us, and as we were all doing the work, we were just like, “wow, how did we not know?” We didn’t know!
Dave Ibis (9:28) Yeah, I love that.
At a previous company that I was at, I was really just a middle manager, right? So, I had anywhere between 10 to six employees or something. What I found was that you can do a one-on-one and, in certain ways, you can say, “Hey, Jamie. These are the goals we talked about, these are the things, etc.” You can sort of go through very businesslike and get through it.
Or kind of what we morphed into was a little bit more of a coaching style, like “What is it that you want?” Like, “Yes, we have our goals, we have our targets, we have our metrics we want to get to, but what do you want to do in your life or in this organization or outside of it?”
Where it really became powerful - and this was not coaching, it was just like being a manager - was when we started bringing in the personal aspects, like, “what do you want to do? What's a personal goal you have?”
Like one girl - I’ll never forget - she wanted to learn to play the piano, but she just felt silly, and I was like, “That's something I would like to do. I’m gonna steal your goal.” And we both did it together, found an app, and it really brought us into synchronicity with each other.
Jamie White (10:46) Yeah, I love that. You were her growth friend, right?
That's what I found too with my employees, like one of the things that I wanted before I became a coach was to be to be more heard, or to be more listened to, and I didn't make space for that. Before that, I was like business, numbers, etc. and I didn't need that personal connection that they needed.
Now, there's two things: I don't necessarily recommend that coaches inside organizations be the leaders, I really recommend outside. And I love the idea of leaders being coached, so that they can turn around and have that same capacity and understanding of things like, “How can I ask questions at a deeper level? How can I connect on a deeper level? How can I be curious about what's behind the problem?” You know, when people are resisting change in organizations, how much of that is actually a personal belief system from who knows when, or something that came up for them personally right now that you don't even know that this is why they're reacting? So, all the things, I love it!
Dave Ibis (12:02) Yeah. So, this is just an off-the-cuff question.
Do you find that, in your coaching, people are looking for their problems to be solved? This is an issue I have, I feel like. When you tell me a problem, and I am just instinctively, knee-jerk, I want to solve it. And some of the best coaches or listeners that I know, they don't do what I do. They just, like you said, they give space, and they listen, and understand the problem. They might not have any idea how to solve it, but at the end of that, I feel better because they heard me.
It's such a hard thing for a leader to do, because when you come to me with a problem, I just want to solve it.
Jamie White (12:46) Yeah.
Towards the end of my leadership role at the other companies that I was in, I was getting a lot better about not solving the problem and saying, “What do you think could be a solution?” And it really opened doors that I wouldn't have thought of. And, yet, it's like biting my tongue, right?
Especially when you become a really good problem-solver. And that was almost my identity, to become this really good problem solver. So, switching into coaching, and really recognizing that that's empowering others, I can't say that I've bitten my tongue as much as I need to. It's definitely a tough shift.
Dave Ibis (13:36) Oh, my gosh. I think it's like the hardest thing for me to do in all facets of my life. When I can take a step back and look at it, I go, “Well, of course I don't have all the answers.” And you're right in that you identify the pattern at some point. You make a career out of it, right?
Jamie White (13:57) Right! I was like, “Bring it on! The bigger the better!”
Dave Ibis (14:01) Yeah, if that's not who I am, who am I, right? So, it's a challenge. So, it sounds like anybody can be a leader. That can be somebody that's just willing to do the work on themselves, not just a leader in an organization, right?
Jamie White (14:13) Right, and that healing and growth infinity loop, right? Like, “As I grow, there might be some things from my past that I might need to step into.” And, really, what we find too is that the more we commit to something, the more these belief systems come up. When you commit to something new, it wasn't an issue before that. This wasn't an issue the day before. Then I commit to something new, and all of a sudden, there are these invisible walls. Those are the belief systems holding us back and sometimes they're in conflict with other beliefs that we have. It sounds maybe foolish or goofy, but literally that's the way our subconscious is programmed, to be like, “I've got one belief on one side of the fence and another belief on the other.” So, anyway, yes commitment and bringing up all these belief systems.
Dave Ibis (15:00) So, this isn't your first business that you've started, is that a correct statement?
Jamie White (15:05) That's correct. Yeah.
Dave Ibis (15:15) What has been instructive of other businesses that you've started prior to this one that helped you launch Belief Crew and build it to where it is today?
Jamie White (15:23) I love the question, Dave. And, to be totally honest, and upfront, I think the better question might be, for me anyway, what were all the things I didn't know, that I thought I knew from starting other businesses?
Dave Ibis (15:42) Oh, right? Answer that question! You can do both sides!
Jamie White (15:51) Well, with other businesses that I've started, I love to start with software, which is why I partnered with Profi right away.
I was like, “Okay, I see a vision, I need the software.” Because what I found in other industries, is that software companies are more involved in those industries than I am, right? So, they know things I don't know, and they're solving problems for multiple customers. Maybe I could be running my business better, or differently, if I'm considering the software.
So, I like to do demos on software, that's kind of how I would get started in these other industries.A lot of being able to trust yourself and make decisions, and really, the thing that is helpful, is recognizing that there's going to be mistakes along the way, there's going to be investments that didn't turn out the way I thought they were going to. But it doesn't mean that it was bad or wrong.
I remember listening to a Dave Ramsey podcast one time where a business owner called in and said, “I made a $5,000 mistake.” And Dave Ramsey was like, “That's cheap. If that's the only mistake you make in your business, that's cheap.”
So, just remembering that along the way. It actually takes more time to start a service-based business than we might think. People might say online, “You got a laptop, and a low investment, start a coaching business.” Let's just give that a moment. That's actually not totally true.
Versus if you're going to open a coffee shop, the planning stages are different, the awareness of what the investment is different. You get an architect, you get a bid, you get bankers involved, other people looking at your numbers, people questioning you along the way. But starting a service-based business, I didn't have that same level of awareness that this is actually going to take some time, space, and grace to create.
So, I think in the coaching industry, the biggest thing, and just being an entrepreneur in general, is recognizing that the idea might be good, but it might need to shift along the way, or how do we stay in alignment with what's true while shifting what needs to shift? I don't know if I'm making sense or if I'm speaking in code, but it feels like that's what the journey has been like.
Dave Ibis (18:01) Yeah, I love that. I think there's so much to pick apart there, and I want to dive into how you started it because you actually did it in a very unique way.
You went to find a software provider first, and I love how you said that they're going to know things that I don't know, and maybe they can help me grow my business, or think about my business differently, which I just think is a very unique perspective.
Sometimes the smaller the box, the easier it is for me. If it's a huge box, I can go this way, go up and down. I have too many options. If I limit my options, and there's some restrictiveness there, I can get to a solution or a way forward quicker than if it was just wide open. I think that's what you're doing when you start with software, right? It's like these are the things I can do. So, let's focus on those.
Jamie White (19:12) Yeah, so the example that comes to mind is: Imagine that you're starting a burger restaurant, and the way that I would start businesses in the past is talking to vendors. So, if I want to have a takeout burger restaurant, because, again, you have to make decisions; is this a sit down or is it takeout? Every decision makes a different business.
So, let's say it's a takeout burger restaurant, and I'm talking to the vendor about the types of packaging that I would put around my burger. There's some that are price-based, there's some that are looks-based, you're having to make all these decisions, but you're doing it with vendors in a way that helps you recognize the decisions you're making.
Versus in the coaching industry: pricing, packages, messaging, and niche; they're all sort of big-box thinking, how do we narrow that down? I don't have a couple of vendors that I can go to and say, “Here's what I'm thinking for my niche. Do you think you could give me a couple of prices on what that would feel like?” It's sort of this huge box that we're playing in.
So, trying to create restrictions around what is in alignment for us and the business that we want to build, and that we're called to build, and what is in alignment for actual sustainable systems for something that the people want to pay for, you know, what is the cost?
It comes down to time, which is hard to quantify sometimes, and the value of things that you can't put on a scale. So, definitely, the more things that we can figure out like, “Oh, these are the options I have.” Build it around that.
Dave Ibis (20:55) Yeah, absolutely. Restrictions are a good thing. They're not always a bad thing. You talked a lot about what you wish you knew, and you used this example in the Dave Ramsey podcast. It brings to mind something I just listened to yesterday. I've been listening to Simon Sinek’s podcast called A Bit of Optimism - which is awesome if you haven't listened to it - and one of the things that he talks about is, “We need a new word for failure.” Because failure feels so catastrophic and so finite; you failed, it's over, It's done. His word is you fall, you don't fail, you fall.
So, this girl who had made a $5,000 mistake, it wasn't a failure, it was a fall. But guess what? With a fall, you can get back up. We learn. I tripped over that thing, but now I can get back up and learn to step over it the next time. I just love the idea that, not only that we learn from our mistakes because of course we do, but to take that lexicon of “this is a failure because it didn’t work” out of your brain. We don't even know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that it didn't work out, really. It just didn't work out. What are you going to learn from it? How are you going to move it forward? I think it's just such a powerful message.
Jamie White (22:15) I love that. That’s huge. It makes me think of a couple of things along the journey of building this that I definitely had to work through. How do I overcome breakdowns when things don't go the way I think they're gonna go? When sales don't go the way I think they're gonna go? Just recognizing it's part of the process, and we give it meaning. I give it meaning.
Especially coming from a place of having previous business experience, and stepping into an industry - in a lane - where I then had impostor syndrome. I didn't ever have impostor syndrome in any of the other businesses that I was selling, because I was selling a product that was totally different.
So, the things that coaches are running into, and anybody that's offering the service-based sales is totally different. Yes, we're falling, and we're picking ourselves back up, and it's okay.
Dave Ibis (23:11) Yeah, and to piggyback on that, I was on your site, and of course, there's one-on-one sessions. But you also have, which I imagine is something that has been born out of all of this in the last year, these mastermind sessions, which I just found really interesting.
I wanted to get a little bit more from you. What was the genesis of that, and how are you trying to utilize these mastermind sessions to go a little bit further with people?
Jamie White (23:40) So, I love that, because what we're doing is really leaning into the power of partnerships, and bringing coaches together that can work together in new ways. So, from a mastermind perspective, by having two people available, bringing in different gifts, it helps the client.
Who do you want sitting next to each other at the table? It really, again, closes the box. It makes the box smaller, because, all of a sudden, you're like, “Wait, actually, I'm serving this client, because this is who I want sitting at the table.”
So, by creating these mastermind groups, and helping coaches create them, it's really helping them get clarity on who they're called to work with.
Dave Ibis (24:22) Yeah. Do your clients get to collaborate with each other as well, or is it just with multiple coaches with each other as well?
Jamie White (24:31) Yeah. So, in the mastermind groups, it would be multiple people sitting at a table together virtually, right? But in these group sessions, there are five to 10 people that are like-minded in some way, rallying around some concept that they're ready to move into, some transition in their life.
Then, with Profi, we can package things together with group sessions and individual sessions. We're packaging coaches, multiple coaches in multiple packages, because we have the Corporate version of Profi where we can do the team building. So, our coaches are partnering with clients and offering individual sessions in addition to the group sessions. I'm not sure if that's clear. But yeah, we're using all of it.
Dave Ibis (25:19) Yeah. Well, you got the box, so you have to use the tools that are inside of it, right?
That's really neat. That's kind of what I took from the website, I just love all the things you’re doing there. Were you writing blogs and doing podcasts prior to launching with Profi?
Jamie White (25:37) One year ago, I didn't have a setup like this. I had Profi before I had headphones. Well, maybe not quite! But, we felt called to start a podcast - our first podcast was Business Addicts - my husband had gone through the process of overcoming addiction and we felt called to share our story. And especially coming from a Christian perspective, it was just like, “Whoa, we are going vulnerable. This is going to be a new space.”
Then, after we started doing that, I started realizing that I love connecting with people in a podcast format. Then, you know what they say: if you have one podcast, you have two. That became the truth for us as well.
But what I love about using Profi is that then we can turn them into blogs, we use Otter.ai to turn them into writing, because I'm actually not a podcast listener even though I host and guest, but I love being able to read the content, if I want to skim someone's content. So, that's all the things we’re doing now that we weren't doing before.
Dave Ibis (26:44) That was very helpful for me before this conversation. I was like, “I'm gonna skim through that podcast, and I’m gonna skim through that one.” It's really neat how you set it up. I actually hope you don't mind, but when I am on calls sometimes, talking to prospective clients, and I show them what I've built, they go, “Yeah, that’s pretty cool.”
But now that I found yours, I go, “Let me show you Belief Brew.” And the way you've designed it is very relaxing. I don’t know if it's just the blue, but it's very relaxing, and it's very content-rich. So, you can very easily jump from your blogs to your podcast, and the masterminds. You've really done an excellent job. I'll put it in whatever show notes we have for this. I'll put the link so that people can check it out. You and your team have done an amazing job of putting it all together.
Jamie White (27:33) Thank you. I'm glad that you mentioned the part of our team because I cannot take credit for it. I knew from the getgo that I was not only called to coach, but also lead and have a team that supports me, because that's my zone of genius. That's my lane. And my team is the one building out that website and making it look beautiful.
Dave Ibis (27:51) Yeah, it looks amazing. Well, your team - I'm sure it's not all family members - but there are quite a few family members in it, right?
Jamie White (28:02) Yeah. We had all done the work. It was almost like this trifecta. We call ourselves past, present, and future. I'm the future, my husband's the past, and my sister in law as the present.
So, all of our gifts and strengths, all the healing that we've done, all the coaching work that we've done, and we're literally like, “You don't want to be a partner in Belief Crew because you have to deal with your junk.” It's been really real.
Dave Ibis (28:26) Yeah. So, how do you balance? It's interesting, because you have six sons. One of them is in the background, we know, and you also work with your family.
So, how do you balance work and life? You have it sort of on steroids. You work with people that are your family, and you're trying to balance that. How do you do it?
Jamie White (28:52) Well, I grew up in a family business. So, for me, it's almost the only way of life I do know. But I love it.
This idea that we're two different people, that we go to work and we're one person, and we come home we’re a different person. How true is that, right? So, I have a schedule that I want for my life. My kids know that if they want time with me, they have to book an appointment. (Laughs) If you look in my Profi calendar, you will see my sons have some time there. I book home time, but if that doesn't work for them, if they need time over that, I'm available. Here's my booking link. Maybe that sounds really bad to the outside world, but I love it and we love it.
We also go a little bit rogue in a couple different ways because we unschool our kids, so they actually get to do a lot of what they want to do most of the time.
Dave Ibis (29:55) Did you say unschool or homeschool? I need to hear about unschooling. My son is shouting from a distance here. So, he's probably going to come walking down the hall and go, “What's what's unschooling? I want some of that!”
Jamie White (30:09) Yeah. When I first told my kids they were like, “No, mom. We don’t want to be weird.” Then, once they started, they were like, “Wait, were you serious?” And what I’m finding is that it’s so beautiful. It changes the energy in the home overnight. It’s hard to explain, because we’re used to what society puts on us and what we've created.
So, related to what we were talking earlier about social media and the expectations out there, the expectations aren’t there and so, then the stress isn’t there. So, our work-life balance is so merged. 24 hours is 24 hours and it’s not about the nine to five.
Dave Ibis (30:52) Right. You’re scheduled, obviously, because people are booking your time - even your family - in your calendar. So, you like the scheduling part, but it almost sounds like it’s one long symphony. Tell me real quick though; what is unschooling?
Jamie White (31:16) So, actually, there’s world-schooling, which I didn't know about until we set up unschooling. We did a little dental vacation a few months ago and I said, “Oh, this is world-schooling. I get it.” My kids were interested in Spanish because we were going to visit somewhere, so we just asked Alexa, “How do you go to the bathroom in Spanish?”
So, there are actually some documentaries out there about unschooling that I haven’t watched. I fell into it, because I didn’t think what my kids were learning was helping prepare them for the real world experience.
For me, when I was hiring employees, they were not coming out ready for the workforce. So, this idea of AI software or chatGPT, the idea that school would shut that down makes zero sense to me, because I want my kids to learn how to use the software. If you do have an essay project, I want them to know how to use chatGPT. I don't want them to come out thinking how to do this all themselves.
So, I see unschooling is this way for the kids to learn using today’s technology, options, and opportunities, instead of yesterday’s opportunities, or yesterday’s lesson plan, or the curriculum from 10 to 20 years ago. So, unschooling is trusting that kids have a desire to learn and the desire to grow, but without the limitations that we would put on it, or the structures that I would put on it if I was giving them a lesson, or giving what I think they need to learn to be successful in life. I literally tell them, “You guys are amazing, choose whatever you choose, and just make sure it’s a choice. You’re responsible for your own growth for the future, and you can transition at whatever point in time you want.”
It really feels more like what I’ve experienced real-life to be; that life continues to have these transitions I didn’t know about. I thought you graduated, and the bell rings, and you get married, and the bell rings, and you get a house. Oh my gosh, it wasn’t that way.
Dave Ibis (33:36) There’s a book you have to read if you haven’t read it. I think it will solidify your beliefs, though I don't think they will get into unschooling. The name of the book is The Coddling of the American Mind and it’s by Jonathan Haidt.
Jamie White (33:37) Oh, sounds like something I would like.
Dave Ibis (33:38) Yeah. Anyways, they did a bunch of research on what you said. Both of the guys who wrote the book - they’re both professors in college - they researched for the last 15 to 20 years, and what they’ve seen is that the maturity level of people coming out of high school are closer to 13 year olds rather than 18 year olds. It’s been this rapid decline really quickly, and they are not learning the skills they need. A lot of this is probably parenting, because we overprotect and we don't give the choices that you were just talking about.
Anyways, we totally went on a tangent! You should definitely listen to the book. I think you’re maybe more of an audiobook person, but definitely listen to or read that book. It would solidify some of the things you are thinking right now as well.
Jamie White (34:42) That’s beautiful, thank you.
Dave Ibis (34:48) So, just a couple more questions. I know we’re almost up at time. Just curious, what are your goals for Belief Crew for the next few years? You’ve launched it, it’s working, and you’re like 15 to 16 months into it at this point, is that about right?
Jamie White (35:03) Yeah, not quite. It just feels like we spent a good amount of time building the machine, and all of the sudden, coaches start to come in and it feels like we turn the machine on and it’s working.
So, my vision right now is to understand what it looks like to bring on multiple coaches at the same time and figure out how to create processes that allow us to bring on more coaches and then support systems for those coaches behind the scenes.
So, I absolutely look forward to all of the challenges of multiple. I like to figure out scaling. My brain just goes right there. Being able to really see what it looks like when coaches are referring coaches, and this network, this machine working beautifully together. I don’t know how to explain it, but I’ve really leaned into training our coaches and power partners on how they are power partners to each other. So, I’m continuing to do that.
Dave Ibis (36:09) I know you have the goal for 100 coaches and you’re really focused on the network side of things, like getting the machine up and running where, for example, I’m your client and you're coaching me, and at some point, I go, “Hey Jamie, I’d love to do what your doing.” and you say, “Hey, we have a way for you to do that.”
And now you’re coaching me on how to be a coach, and providing me a seat on the platform that you already have up under the umbrella of Belief Brew. So, you’re doing the marketing for me, bringing the clients underneath that umbrella.
That’s awesome. So, 100 is your goal. What’s your goal for this year? Do you have a number of coaches goal?
Jamie White (36:49) I don’t, because we’re really nudge-based marketing and really organic. We want the right people, we want to vet who’s coming toward us.
So, right now, I’m just really embracing supporting the coaches that we currently have. It seems that we’re dealing with the same issues over and over - which I knew was going to happen - but then seeing it happen was sort of this moment. Everyone thinks that what we need in order to start our businesses is to be on social media and have a website. I’m recognizing that it’s actually about who we are and believing that you’re a coach and that you have a coaching business. That is actually a bigger deal than what your website looks like and what your social media looks like.
For me, I’m a coach matchmaker for our team. So, I send a lot of referrals right away. I say, “Hey, meet so-and-so.” So, that really helps them get used to having that conversation. Then, they’re so busy connecting with potential clients that they get distracted with socials, and all the other things that we think we have to have a business that we really don’t.
Dave Ibis (37:59) Yeah absolutely. I love your energy. Your authenticity is palpable even through Zoom. So, I could sit here and chat with you all day.
Just a real quick question about Profi. How did you find Profi and how was your experience?
Jamie White (38:23) I’m trying to remember. This is really a good question, because I have a feeling it was searching for “alternatives to Mighty Networks.” I think that’s what I Googled. So, we ended up having Mighty Networks and Profi because the community wasn’t quite built up the way that we were looking for, but it really ended up being the piece that we were missing.
My three year old son is being Sonic and Mario in the background if you’re wondering what that noise is.
Dave Ibis (38:57) Like I said, Zoom is doing a great job of filtering it out. So, we’re good.
Anything I didn’t ask you and you felt I missed, or anything else you’d like to share with the audience?
Jamie White (39:11) This is a great conversation, I love it.
I think the piece that I’d love to share is that committing to something like a software system makes it so that even if the going gets tough, you have something to go back to.
I made a commitment to invest to Profi at a level that was more than I would have needed to invest to some of the other software, because we went to that corporate model. But it continues to help me hold the vision high and I’m like, “I need to figure out what value is here.”
Sometimes when we pay for something, it helps us look for the value - at least for myself. I needed to pay that price, because I needed to invest in myself and in the business in this way, and then I’ll look for that value. So, that's helpful for me.
Dave Ibis (39:55) I love it. Thank you so much for your time. I know it’s like Friday at 4 o’clock, you’ve got a three year old playing Sonic in the background with no schooling, and you took the time to hang out with us. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much, Jamie.
Jamie White (40:17) Thank you.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
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March 29, 2023 10:00