Protect Your Clients and Your Practice: HIPAA-Compliant Telehealth Platform Ranking

Telehealth transforms the way we care for our clients. Imagine connecting with them from the comfort of your home, knowing that over 60% prefer this option for their sessions.

But here's the challenge: how do you secure sensitive client data? The fear of breaches and HIPAA penalties might make you think twice. You're not alone in that.

The good news is that there are HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms, like, designed to protect your clients' privacy while giving you the flexibility to deliver the care they need.

Curious about which HIPAA-compliant telehealth platforms you can trust? Check out our guide. Coaching Platform is an end-to-end health and wellness coaching platform with proven telehealth capabilities. It offers a holistic, intuitive solution for solo practitioners, teams, corporations, and networks within the health and wellness industry. Profi empowers them to grow and scale their businesses, making it easier to reach and help more people.

Best For

Solopreneurs and coaching teams, well-established organizations, employee wellbeing solution providers, , and networks looking for a modern HIPAA-compliant, all-in-one health & wellness coaching platform, that would enable their business to scale smoothly, gain full visibility and control over their team and tools, streamline workflows, and maintain consistent care quality for a holistic client experience.


  • Team Management: Provides optimal visibility and control, ensuring seamless communication and coordination among practitioners.
  • Secure Video Conferencing: Ensures a safe connection with brandable, built-in HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for individual and group coaching sessions.
  • Scheduling & Calendar Management: Centralized and unified scheduling with automatic reminders supports multiple coaches and clients, reducing administrative workload, preventing double bookings, no-shows and other budget drainage. 
  • Branded Client Engagement Portal: Provides clients with a secure, centralized, branded space to track everything they need in one place, related to your engagement, including messaging, scheduling, payments, video conferencing, shared on-screen notes, programs, files, history, and forms.
  • Programs (Courses): Helps build pre-recorded or blended experience program experience or protocol with videos, reading materials, forms, questions, and live sessions in one space.
  • Notes: Ensures a modern client experience  by allowing secure private note-taking during sessions, which can be shared with clients and fellow practitioners for an upgrade in/ease of client management.


Real-World Example

A team of health and wellness coaches wanted to enhance their virtual coaching services by providing a holistic experience for their clients. After implementing, the team leveraged its group telehealth features to conduct secure and engaging virtual coaching sessions, allowing multiple coaches to collaborate with clients in real-time. 

The Profi platform's scheduling, client engagement portal, billing, forms, secure messaging, and other valuable features ensured that every coach had immediate access to the context about clients’ journeys, session details and client progress and engagement, enabling top-notch, consistent and coordinated care. 


Price offers a 30-day free trial for solo practitioners. Pricing starts at $79/month per user

Want to see what this HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform can do for your business? Use the free trial opportunity if you are a solo practitioner, or schedule a personalized demo with one of our product coaches.


SimplePractice is a comprehensive, web-based health and wellness coaching platform for private practice professionals. This solution allows service providers to manage everything from administrative work to client care, offering robust HIPAA-compliant telehealth capabilities alongside billing, documentation, and scheduling tools.

Best For

Solo practitioners and small practices needing a user-friendly health & wellness coaching platform for managing in-person and virtual client sessions.


  • HD Video Sessions: Offers secure video conferencing feature to ensure a safe space for clients.  
  • Mobile App: Provides smooth connection via mobile devices for clients and practitioners.
  • Client Portal: Secure portal for clients to view documents, pay bills, and manage appointments.
  • Document Management: Simplifies document flow with advanced storage and sharing functionality.

Real-World Example

Dr. Sarah, a wellness coach, was experiencing frequent no-shows and a lack of client engagement between sessions. After adopting SimplePractice, she used the platform's automated reminders and client portal, which led to a noticeable decrease in missed appointments. 

The secure video sessions allowed Sarah to maintain a personal connection with her clients, even when they couldn't meet in person. Over time, Sarah observed that her clients were more consistent and proactive in their wellness journeys. 


SimplePractice offers a 30-day free trial. Plans start at $29/month. is a simple and affordable telemedicine solution widely used by healthcare providers and health & wellness coaches for virtual consultations. Known for its ease of use and accessibility, it's a go-to platform for practitioners needing straightforward, HIPAA-compliant telehealth services.

Best for

Health and wellness coaches who need a straightforward, no-frills coaching platform for video consultations without requiring extensive practice management features.


  • Unlimited Video Calls: HIPAA-compliant video conferencing with no session limits.
  • Client Queue: Provides a virtual waiting room for clients to wait before a session.
  • Custom Branding: Allows for branding the video room with a logo.
  • Screen Sharing: Enables screen sharing during sessions to enhance client engagement.
  • Session Recording: Offers the ability to record sessions for later review or client reference (with consent).

Real-World Example

Alex, a wellness coach, wanted a simple and affordable solution to transition his practice online.'s straightforward interface allowed him to adapt to virtual coaching quickly without any technical hurdles. His clients appreciated the custom-branded waiting room, making their virtual visits personalized and professional. 

As Alex continued using, he noticed that his clients were just as satisfied with their online sessions as they were in person, leading to a seamless transition to an entirely virtual practice. 


A free plan is available. Paid plans start at $35/month.


TheraNest is a comprehensive practice management platform with telehealth features designed for mental health and wellness professionals. This solution includes scheduling, billing, and documentation tools, making it a robust choice for comprehensive practice management within a HIPAA-compliant framework.

Best for

Therapists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors who require a robust health and wellness coaching platform that supports their administrative and telehealth needs.


  • Telehealth Sessions: Secure, HIPAA-compliant video sessions that are easy to launch directly from the platform.
  • Client Scheduling: Integrated scheduling with automated reminders to keep clients on track.
  • Billing and Invoicing: Streamlines billing processes with automated invoicing.
  • Document Management: Provides secure storage and sharing of client notes and documents.
  • Progress Tracking: Offers tools for tracking client progress over time, enhancing care continuity.

Real-World Example

Laura, a mental wellness coach, was spending more time on administrative tasks than on client care, causing her to feel overwhelmed. After adopting TheraNest, she consolidated her client information, scheduling, and telehealth sessions into one platform, saving her valuable weekly time. 

Thanks to the platform's automated reminders and secure video conferencing, her clients found it easier to book and attend sessions. With the time saved, Laura could focus more on her client's needs, leading to better outcomes and higher client satisfaction.


TheraNest offers a 21-day free trial. Pricing starts at $42/month.

Zoom for Healthcare

Zoom for Healthcare is a version of the popular video conferencing tool tailored to meet HIPAA requirements. This telehealth solution is ideal for healthcare providers who need reliable, high-quality video communication in a secure environment.

Best For

Health and wellness coaches prioritizing high-quality video sessions need a familiar, widely-used platform with HIPAA compliance.


  • High-Quality Video: Secure conferencing with real-time content sharing.
  • Waiting Room: Virtual waiting rooms to manage client flow and maintain session order.
  • Custom Meeting IDs: Personalized meeting rooms for repeat clients.
  • Recording and Transcription: Securely records sessions and transcribes them for later review.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with EHRs and other practice management tools.

Still wondering, "Is Zoom HIPAA compliant?" We’ve got you covered. Check out our latest blog to get the answer in full detail.

Real-World Example

John, a senior wellness coach, needed a dependable tool to transition his practice online, and Zoom for Healthcare was his first choice due to its reliability and reputation. He set up custom meeting IDs for each client, which helped them feel secure and valued during their sessions. The platform's high-quality video and secure environment allowed John to maintain the professionalism his clients were used to in person. Over time, John's clients became more engaged, appreciating the continuity of care despite the shift to virtual sessions.


Pricing starts at $14.99 per month per user.


Healthie is an all-in-one practice management platform and EHR for health and wellness providers. It integrates telehealth with billing and client management, making it a comprehensive solution for wellness practitioners.

Best For

Health and wellness coaches, particularly those in the nutrition field, who need a health & wellness coaching platform that covers the full spectrum of practice management, including HIPAA-compliant telehealth.


  • Telehealth Video Calls: HIPAA-compliant, high-quality video sessions integrated with client charts.
  • Client Charting: Comprehensive client records with easy access during telehealth sessions.
  • Billing Integration: Automates billing processes to simplify financial management.
  • Progress Tracking: Offers tools for tracking client progress over time.
  • Mobile App: Engages clients with wellness plans on the go.

Real-World Example

As a nutrition coach, Sarah needed a platform to handle her growing practice while maintaining the quality of care her clients expected. Healthie's integration of telehealth with comprehensive client charting allowed Sarah to conduct more personalized and efficient sessions. Her clients found the mobile app particularly useful, keeping them engaged with their wellness plans between sessions. This increased client commitment and satisfaction, leading to better outcomes and word-of-mouth referrals.


Healthie offers a 14-day free trial and a free Starter subscription. Paid plans start at $49/month.

Practice Better

Practice Better is an all-in-one practice management platform designed for dietitians. It offers telehealth services, client management, and billing in one streamlined package. The solution is tailored to meet the needs of coaches who want to automate and simplify their operations while ensuring HIPAA compliance.

Best For

Health and wellness providers who require a comprehensive solution to manage their entire practice, from client intake to telehealth sessions, while maintaining a personal touch.


  • Secure Video Sessions: HIPAA-compliant video conferencing with options to securely record sessions.
  • Client Communication: Built-in secure messaging system for ongoing client communication.
  • Program Automation: Automates client programs and resource distribution to save time and enhance engagement.
  • Customizable Intake Forms: Allows the creation and customization of client intake forms to gather necessary information before sessions.
  • Food & Lifestyle Journals: Tracks clients' food intake and lifestyle habits, providing tailored advice and support.

Real-World Example

Jessica, a wellness coach specializing in lifestyle changes, struggled to manage her growing client list with multiple tools. Practice Better allowed her to streamline client management, telehealth sessions, and communication into a single HIPAA-compliant platform. The automation features freed up Jessica's time, enabling her to focus more on client interaction and less on administrative tasks. The secure messaging system helped her stay connected with clients between sessions, providing them ongoing support.


Practice Better offers a 14-day and a 30-day free trial. Pricing starts at $25/month.


Choosing the right for your business size and plans HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform is crucial for your peace of mind, protecting your clients' sensitive data while enhancing the quality of your health and wellness coaching. Each of these platforms offers robust security features tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you’re a solo practitioner or managing a larger team. 

Don’t let the fear of data breaches or HIPAA penalties hold you back — select a platform that aligns with your practice’s goals and gives you the necessary enablement  to focus on delivering exceptional care and growing your business.



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